Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Happy New Year!

It's hard to believe that another year has passed, and we're already going strong in a new one!  (Yes, I'm a little late with this post).  Part of this disbelief has to do with the weather (It should not have been 60 degrees through New Year's Eve), the fact that Christmas and New Year's both fell on weekends (reducing vacation time), and general exhaustion that goes hand-in-hand with holiday festivities.

So far, it looks like this year is going to start out strong with some great blog posts!  There will be some things that I did for the first time and turned out fantastic, some more hints for what NOT to do in a kitchen, and maybe even a guest cooking slot on a podcast of a good friend!

Thank you all for your support thus far, and I wish you all the best in the kitchen for 2012!
